Big Robot, the makers of Teeth, is back on Kickstarter and has about a week left on its campaign. The Bath-based publisher offers a game they describe as Captain Pugwash in Hell!
Gamers, though, are flocking to Gold Teeth, and this grotesque comedy of piracy and occult horror has smashed through the £15,000 funding target. You can follow the progress on the pitch page.
Gold Teeth adapts Forged in the Dark, shifting the structure to better suit piracy (rather than heists), adding rules for ships at sea but not requiring players to know anything about seacraft.
Set in a haunted version of the Caribbean, Gold Teeth suits 3-6 people, and it’s a standalone rulebook.
The game will be in full colour, over 350 pages and heavily illustrated.
The year is 1781. Oceans are battlefields. And battlefields are rich pickings for the likes of you.
Nowhere is this more true than the Punchbowl of the Antilles—a tropical archipelago brutalised by colonial powers and further cursed by the detonation of an occult weapon one year past.
It is now encircled by a vast wall of seawater and flooded with magical corruption. From its shallows have emerged new lands and old shipwrecks, its strange tides drawing down to once-sunken coastal shelves. The air squalls and fizzes with alien energies. Minds and bodies are lost to foul contaminations, while monstrosities plague land and sea alike. And deep things, things that should not breathe air, have begun to take an interest in this surface world.No one can get out.
Backers at £25 will get the Gold Teeth PDF and supporting digital materials, although fans can support the crowdfunding campaign by sharing the news.
Those would-be-pirates who step up to £38 get the Gold Teeth hardback added to their plunder.
At £48, the pledge rewards will be expanded to include a Gold Teeth map poster and a printed zine about the False Kingdom.
Big Robot estimates the fulfilment of the occult pirate RPG in October of next year, and the Kickstarter runs until the 16th.
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