Sant Jordi NYC 2020: Dragons & Books & Roses

A project in New York, NY by Mary Ann Newman

Funding Successful

An online international book festival for readers sheltering in place
Backers: 149
Average Pledge Per Backer: $62

Funded: $9,248 of $7,500
Dates: Apr 14th -> Apr 30th (17 days)
Project By: Mary Ann Newman
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Last Updated: April 30 @ 17:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

We are coming close to the end of our campaign

April 30th - via:
Friends of Sant Jordi NYC:  I have been a bit quiet because I am writing up a report that I will share with you about the development, unfolding, and results to date of Sant Jordi NYC, as well as our plans to keep the conversations, readings, music,... (Read More)

Kickstarter brothers and sisters (and cousins),

April 29th - via:
We are still feeling warm and fuzzy about the Sant Jordi NYC Festival, but we thought you might also like to hear a few facts. Right? Here goes: ·  We featured over 100 events, with over 300 participants, including writers, translators, publishers,... (Read More)

First reflections on Sant Jordi NYC for our community of supporters

April 27th - via:
First of all, thank you all, once again, for adopting Sant Jordi NYC and bringing it to fruition. When we—Mary Ann, Isabelle, Laia, and Ignacio, the Sant Jordi NYC team—look at our backers’ wall on the website (we hope you have seen your names,... (Read More)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU: You have put us over the top!

April 26th - via:
Dear friends of Sant Jordi NYC: Ever since we reached our fundraising goal sometime yesterday afternoon, I have been eager to write you with my sincerest thanks. Your support has been a recognition of the value of this project, which has brought so... (Read More)

(Not the) Last day of Sant Jordi NYC 2020: (More than) 24 Hours of Sant Jordi online

April 25th - via:
Good morning! There is an expression in Spanish, morir de éxito, to die of success. It means to be so successful at something that an unintended consequence arises, like the need for crowd control. Or a problem with the supply chain. In our case, it... (Read More)

Friends and lovers of international literature: You!

April 24th - via:
April 24, 2020: Friends, Sant Jordi is officially over. If this were any ordinary year in Barcelona, the flower stalls would be returned to the florists and the bookstands would be back in storage. This year, of course, there are no such logistics.... (Read More)

Bona Diada de Sant Jordi! Sant Jordi’s Day is finally here!

April 23rd - via:
Traditionally we worry about whether it will rain or be cold. This morning, in New York, it snowed! Ironically, confinement has made this a moot point. Sant Jordi NYC is going live in 10 minutes, at 12 p.m. East Coast time, 4 p.m. Icelandic time, and... (Read More)

Dear partners, thanks to you, we are 60% to our goal!

April 22nd - via:
Friends, collleagues, supporters,  We are in the final stretch, and everything looks incredibly exciting. John Darnielle (musician and performer, from The Mountain Goats) has done a poignant reading of a fragment from Mercè Rodoreda's haunting... (Read More)

Friends: The web city is coming to life!

April 21st - via:
Dear backers,  Our web artists are working magic. Exactly 30 days ago, we decided to take Sant Jordi NYC online. And it is a thrilling experience, that is bringing together writers from all over the world.   The program of literary events is... (Read More)

A little update for our backers, new partners and new events!

April 19th - via:
Just a little note to our backers to keep you in the loop:  We are celebrating a few new partners:  NYRB, New York Review Books, is now a partner publisher, and we will be presenting Charlotte Mandell's translation of Breton and Soupault's first... (Read More)

To the friends and supporters of the Sant Jordi NYC 2020 Kickstarter campaign!

April 17th - via:
Thank you so much for being the literal kickstarters of our campaign! You have started us off! Our web artists have created a brilliant web, which you can visit here: You will see that your names already appear on our thank you... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!