Advanced Fighting Fantasy - Adventure Creation System

A project in Leyburn, UK by Graham Bottley

Funding Successful

Rules, systems and tools to create solo or group adventures for the Advances Fighting Fantasy 2e RPG
Backers: 505
Average Pledge Per Backer: £21

Funded: £10,589 of £3,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> May 30th (30 days)
Project By: Graham Bottley
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Last Updated: May 30 @ 14:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Four days to go!!

May 26th - via:
With only four days to go on the Kickstarter, the layout is almost done!  The art is in there, proofreading is underway, and the indexing will start tomorrow.  I am confident that this will be done by thursday when the KS campaign ends.   I had... (Read More)

Less than a week to go!

May 24th - via:
With less than a week to go until the KS campaign ends, the layout is going very nicely.  The art will be placed in over the next few days, and the index will be completed next week.  Unless there is a major disaster, the pdf will be finished and... (Read More)

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Adventure Creation System on Kickstarter

It’s fitting that Arion Games are kickstarting an Advanced Fighting Fantasy Adventure Creation System, which is a solo-play version of their multiplayer Fighting Fantasy RPG, until the end of the month. (Read More)

Main manuscript layout done

May 19th - via:
With eleven days to go, the Kickstarter and the Layout are both going fantastically!!   The KS is at 250%, and with the campaign just over half way through, I am blown away by just how much support you have all given! As far as the layout goes, the... (Read More)

Double target reached!

May 5th - via:
Incredible!  After just four days or so, we have reached double our original funding target!   This morning I will get the rest of Chapter 9 laid out, leaving about 110 pages of manuscript to do.  I have to go away with my other job for a few... (Read More)

Routinely Itemised: RPGs #255 

May 4th - via:
Wow. Okay, on with business and the summary of TTRPG news summaries. (Read More)

250 backers!

May 3rd - via:
We have reached a fantastic milestone of 250 backers after just a couple of days, which is amazing! The layout is still going well, with over 300 pages now laid out.  The next big chunk (which will happen next week) is the layout of the Quests and... (Read More)

Funded in less than 8 hours!

May 1st - via:
Wow.  I have to give a huge thank you to all backers of this book.  Helping it over the target in less than half a day is incredible!   The layout is continuing nicely, and by the weekend will only have Chapters 10 (huge) and 11-13 (not that huge)... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!