Make 100 Alpaca Alpacas

A project in Peterborough, Canada by Jennifer Dales

Funding Successful

100 unique, adorable, hand-crocheted, alpaca collectibles. Made with real alpaca fleece, hand spun, hand-dyed.
Backers: 25
Average Pledge Per Backer: $88 CAD

Funded: $2,200 CAD of $500 CAD
Dates: Jan 19th -> Feb 18th (30 days)
Project By: Jennifer Dales
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$2,200 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: February 18 @ 14:05 -0500 GMT


of goal
funding period ended

$0 CAD

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Latest News

Its getting close!

February 15th - via:
We're coming down to the wire, with just 70 hours left. There's still time to find homes for a few more Alpaca Alpacas and Kitty Cats. How can we disappoint the Kitties?  (Read More)

A Small Setback

February 14th - via:
I'm sorry to say, we've dropped down to 383% and are JUST missing Stretch Goal #2. If we can pull in another $85 in the next 4 days, we can get back there and ensure EVERY backer gets a bonus keychain accessory. Please share widely; bug your friends,... (Read More)

Just 5 Days Left

February 13th - via:
Only five more days until this campaign closes, and there are plenty of Alpaca Alpacas to be claimed. There's still time to hit more stretch goals and get more add-on goodies!  (Read More)

The work progresses

February 12th - via:
The fleece is washed and dry, and dyeing has begun. I can't wait to turn this into many little Alpaca Alpacas!  (Read More)

DingDingDing! Stretch Goal #2 Achieved!

February 9th - via:
These Stretch Goals are just flying past! We have hit Stretch Goal #2, and that means EVERYONE gets a crochet keychain accessory of their choice.  See the photo below for examples. Clockwise from top: Buddy the Goldfish, The Great Cthulu, Octopus,... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #2 in View

February 8th - via:
I'm thrilled to say, the 100 Alpaca Alpacas project is at 365%! If we gather another $175 in backing, EVERY backer will receive a crochet keychain accessory of their choice. Don't forget to share :D  (Read More)

Stretch Goal 1 Achieved!

February 5th - via:
Yay! Keychain Critters! Thanks to all of you for putting us over 300% of goal. We're currently sitting at $1580, which means Congratulations! Everyone who has pledged at the $75 level or higher now gets a crochet keychain accessory of their choice.... (Read More)

Project supplies have started to arrive

February 4th - via:
The first batch of fleece is here, washed, and ready for carding and spinning.  (Read More)

Stretch Goal in Sight

January 31st - via:
As of today, we're at 260% of our goal, just $200 away from the first stretch goal! If we hit $1500 or more,  every backer at the $75 level and higher will receive a crochet keychain critter(choose from 5 options).  NEWLY ADDED: $2000 stretch goal... (Read More)

Stretch Goals Added

January 26th - via:
Now that we've reached and exceeded our goal, it's time to try for Stretch Goals! $1500: At this level all backers at the $75 level, and higher, will also receive a croqueted key chain accessory. Choices include: a bunny head, a kitty head, an... (Read More)


January 22nd - via:
I would never have believed I would hit my funding goal this soon. I am sincerely grateful to everyone for helping this project get off the ground. You guys amazing, and I can't wait to sit down with fleece, wheel, dye pots, and crochet hook and get... (Read More)

92% Already!

January 22nd - via:
Just $39 left to meet our goal! The kitty cats would like to say Thank You to all our wonderful backers 😸  (Read More)

Amazing start!

January 20th - via:
Wow, what a wonderful surprise! We're already more than half way to our funding goal, and only a couple days into the campaign. Thank you so much to everyone!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!