Cosmo Knight ZiON

A project in Tepic, Mexico by Zeichi Games

Status: Active

(Retro style game) works on Game Boy Color/Advance Console.
Backers: 221
Average Daily Pledges: MX$7,283
Average Pledge Per Backer: MX$1845

Funding: MX$407,851 of MX$500,000
Dates: Apr 6th -> Jun 4th (60 days)
Project By: Zeichi Games
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Latest News

Last Trailer

May 27th - via:
(Español) La campaña de Kickstarter para la producción de Cosmo Knight Zion en formato físico está por finalizar. Hemos lanzado el último tráiler del proyecto; si te interesa adquirir una edición física, estos son los últimos días para... (Read More)

Soon / Pronto

May 27th - via:
Our last video with some new stuff for our Kickstarter will be released soon. Nuestro último vídeo con algunas cosas nuevas por nuestro Kickstarter será lanzado pronto.  (Read More)

Video with updates coming soon/Video con actualizaciones pronto.

May 25th - via:
We have been working on new type of enemies, stage redesign (base on feedback) and artwork, so a new video will drop soon. Hemos estado trabajando en nuevos tipos de enemigos, rediseño de niveles (por la retroalimentación) y arte, así que un nuevo... (Read More)

New art being made/ Se está haciendo nuevo arte.

May 24th - via:
Art is being made for our last trailer, this is still Work In Progress. Se está haciendo arte nuevo para nuestro último tráiler, todavñia en proceso.  (Read More)

Quick update/ Actualización rápida.

May 21st - via:
Little new enemy here.Un pequeño nuevo enemigo.  (Read More)

Stage Select Update/ Actualización de Selector de Nivel

May 18th - via:
Can't remember if we already showed this but we are working on a new Select Screen.No puedo recordar si ya habíamos compartido esto pero estamos trabajando en una nueva pantalla de Selección.  (Read More)

Still working and updating / Todavía trabajando y actualizando.

May 11th - via:
We are still working on some graphics and mechanics for the game, we are worried about the future of the Kickstarter, that doesn't mean we will stop working on the game, we will continue working no matter what but if the goal isn't reach we wouldn't... (Read More)

Boss Battle Trailer

May 7th - via:
----[English]----  The CosmoDroids are ready for invasion, and we have been given the mission to stop them; let's take a look at the boss battles. ----[Español]---- Los CosmoDroids están listos para la invasión y se nos ha encomendado la misión... (Read More)

We are working on the last stage! / ¡Estamos trabajando en el último stage!

May 4th - via:
----[English]---- We are working on the last stage! Where are these doors leading to? Although there is still work to be done, we are progressing very well. We are in the home stretch to reach the goal and make those physical editions a reality,... (Read More)

Where is he going? / ¿A dónde se dirige? (UPDATE TEASER)

April 27th - via:
(EN) We thank all the sponsors for their contributions. We are still working on Cosmo Knight Zion and one of our goals is to add diversity to the game. We present you our latest trailer: a level in which our character will be riding a jet ski. Where... (Read More)

Public demo now available / Demostración pública ahora disponible.

April 24th - via:
[English] Public demo now availableAs part of our Kickstarter campaign, we have released a new demo with several fixes from the private beta and public demo phases. This demo includes.  Translation into two languages. (English and Spanish)  The... (Read More)

Test of the game on real hardware (video) / Prueba del juego en hardware real (video)

April 20th - via:
[ENGLISH] This is the test of the game on real hardware. A GameBoy Advance has been used for this test. We have made the final adjustments for what will be the next public demo. This version includes improvements reported by our private testers in... (Read More)

More gimmicks and cutscenes.

April 18th - via:
Zeichi and I have been working extra time lately so you can see some changes on our game, we are at a 65/80% done according to Zeichi, anyways I just finished this cutscene and wanted to share. Zeichi y yo hemos estado trabajando tiempo extra... (Read More)

Posibly Label/Cover changes.

April 18th - via:
It's possible that we add 2 more characters to one of the labels/boxart, so as we stated on the preview of our video the label can change a bit. Because Bloost is also kind of important on the lore we made art to add him. Also we want to thank all... (Read More)

Stage 1 - Then and now - / Etapa 1 - Antes y ahora -

April 17th - via:
[English] Since the project started more than a year ago, Stage 1 is, without a doubt, the one that has changed the most, starting with small details such as grass and clouds, up to rains and trees. We share with you how this stage has evolved and it... (Read More)

We are going to release a demo very soon but also...

April 16th - via:
Be aware that sometimes we do a loooot of work in 1 week or even in 1 day, today for example we found out how to save a few tiles on stage 1 and how to use more color there too, so I spend all my night editing tiles and fixing some mistakes, 9:30 am... (Read More)

An updated demo is on its way. / Un demo actualizado está en camino.

April 12th - via:
--- English ---Although there is already a demo on our, site, it corresponds to a 2023 version. We have made significant progress on this project since the year that marked the beginning of this adventure. Therefore, we would like to take... (Read More)

Add-ons are coming. / Llegan los complementos.

April 12th - via:
--ENGLISH-- Several of our backers have expressed interest in adding cartridges and editions to their rewards. We are pleased to announce that add-ons are now available, although they will be limited. Add-on Physical version (Cartridge only)  Add-on... (Read More)

A Galactic Leap: Cosmo Knight Zion remains on course. / Un Salto Galáctico: Cosmo Knight Zion va por buen camino.

April 11th - via:
EnglishMilestone Celebration: Cosmo Knight Zion surpasses 15% of its Kickstarter target. We're thrilled to announce that our Kickstarter campaign for the Cosmo Knight Zion game has achieved over 10% of its funding goal. This marks an important... (Read More)

One year ago / Hace un año

April 11th - via:
Exactly 1 year ago we started thinking about this game, at first this was going to be a reskin of the game "Caballeros del Zodiaco: El regreso del Fénix" to have more creative freedom about the game and also to make cartridges.The idea quickly... (Read More)

Information regarding rewards for our English-speaking backers.

April 9th - via:
Greetings, here is some information regarding rewards for our English-speaking backers. For the editions: The standard CIB version comes with the game cartridge, box, and manual. The deluxe CIB version includes the game cartridge, a box with an... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!