The Wee Con - An Our Flag Means Death Convention
A project in Edinburgh, UK by Fyre000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: February 27 @ 16:04 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
February 27th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Digital Guest confirmed!
February 12th - via:
Hello hello and well met to all! While I can unfortunately (for us) confirm we will no longer be able to have our original guest attend in person due to work commitments, please allow me to share some exciting news! The Wee Con is pleased to confirm... (Read More)
Stretch Goal 1
February 8th - via:
Hail and well met, my ducks and darlings! As you can see we have happily hurdled over the initial target. At this point we have our deposit paid for the main venue and this will also cover the insurance, tech support, transportation and general... (Read More)
Main Venue - Reserved!
February 4th - via:
I'm delighted to let you know that as we have officially reached our initial target, the papers have been signed and the deposit for the main venue has been paid! We now officially have Dibs on it 🥳 This means This Is Happening 😁 More details... (Read More)
February 1st - via:
The Wee Con is now officially 100% happening! We've hit the main target and I'll be paying the deposits on the venue this week! WHEE! I don't know what to say, m'ducks! I'm so overwhelmed and delighted that you're supporting my whimsical little... (Read More)
24 Hours and we're 82% of the way there!
January 29th - via:
This is incredible, you feral bunch :D We're close to hitting our target for the venue and all the bits and pieces that go with it in less than 24 hours! Thank you so much for backing my little convention! I can't wait to see you there :D (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!