Castle Up

A project in Barcelona, Spain by Marti Ganduxe Pregona

Funding Successful

A thrilling card game where you will lead your people, build the greatest castle and leave your mark on history forever!
Backers: 625
Average Pledge Per Backer: €25

Funded: €15,805 of €4,000
Dates: Apr 16th -> May 30th (45 days)
Project By: Marti Ganduxe Pregona
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Last Updated: May 30 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

New Add-on and a Final Push!

May 29th - via:
Hello CastleUp Backers, Only one day to go! We are completely astonished by the success of this first project and incredibly grateful for all your support. As a token of our appreciation, we're excited to announce that we are working on an expansion... (Read More)

Updates and New Community Goals for CastleUp!

May 17th - via:
Hello, CastleUp backers! We're thrilled to share some fantastic news with you today. Thanks to reaching one of our initial stretch goals, we’ve been collecting your invaluable feedback and have now created two brand-new asymmetric castle cards.... (Read More)

🎉 We Did It! 12K Stretch Goal Reached!

May 15th - via:
Dear Backers, We are absolutely delighted to announce that we've hit an incredible milestone – €12,000! 🎉 Thanks to your amazing support and enthusiasm, we've unlocked a fantastic new addition to CastleUp: 4 New Action Cards! These new Action... (Read More)

Add-on being prepared: Miniatures Coming Soon!

May 13th - via:
Hello CastleUp supporters! We hope you're all doing well! We're thrilled to share some exciting news with you. The team has been hard at work designing 3D miniatures that could replace the cardboard tokens in CastleUp. These miniatures will represent... (Read More)

We’ve Reached €10K – Asymmetric Castles Unlocked!

May 6th - via:
Hello CastleUp Supporters! Today is a monumental day for us – thanks to your incredible support, we have reached the €10,000 mark! This milestone means the Asymmetric Castles stretch goal has been unlocked. Your enthusiasm and creative... (Read More)

Exciting Enhancements Coming: Upgrading Action Cards!

May 3rd - via:
Hello, CastleUp supporters! Following our last update on asymmetrical castles, we have another thrilling announcement that we believe will enhance your gameplay experience even further. Custom-Designed Action Cards!We've decided to upgrade the Action... (Read More)

Help Shape Our Asymmetric Castles: Your Input Needed for Our Next Stretch Goal!

April 30th - via:
Hello, CastleUp Backers! We’re thrilled to share the first update in a series focused on enhancements and exciting developments in our project. Thanks to your amazing support, we’re less than €1,000 away from unlocking our next stretch... (Read More)

Rising to New Heights: Celebrating Our First Goal and Aiming for More!

April 25th - via:
First Stretch Goal Achieved! We're excited to announce that we've reached our first Kickstarter goal of €8,000! 🎉  With your outstanding support, we're enhancing the box quality to a premium level, incorporating foil accents on the lettering,... (Read More)

Updating Stretch Goals - We can do this!

April 23rd - via:
 Exciting Enhancements to Our Stretch Goals! 🔥Thanks to your feedback, we’re adjusting our stretch goals to make them more achievable. This update is for you, our backers, who have shown great enthusiasm for CastleUp. Community Reward:... (Read More)

Incredible start! We have been recognized as one of the best Kickstarter games for April!

April 19th - via:
🎖️Recognized by Casual Game Revolution 🎊We have had the honor of being recognized by as one of the best gaming-related Kickstarter crowdfunding projects of the month of April! ⬇️Read the article here ⬇️... (Read More)

Huge Milestone Achieved – Fully Funded in 8 Hours!

April 17th - via:
🎉 Gratitude and CelebrationWe are thrilled to announce that thanks to your incredible support, CastleUp reached its full funding goal in just 8 hours! We cannot express enough how grateful we are to each and every one of you for making this... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!