VenusBlood RAGNAROK English Localisation Project

A project in Tokyo, Japan by Ninetail

Status: Active

We wish to bring our SRPG Visual Novel "VenusBlood RAGNAROK" overseas with this English Localization, and we hope you will support us!
Backers: 869
Average Daily Pledges: ¥1,196,282
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥34415

Funding: ¥29,907,040 of ¥13,200,000
Dates: May 22nd -> Jun 19th (28 days)
Project By: Ninetail
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SG#4 Achieved ! / SG#4達成!

June 12th - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Greetings and salutations, everyone! What a great day, for we have achieved 200%, meaning Stretch Goal #4! 200% is a huge achievement, that's double the initial goal after all!... (Read More)

Stretch Goal Calculation Information + Legacy of the Overlord Character Selections / ストレッチゴール加算期間について + 覇王の遺産キャラクター発表

June 7th - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Good day, folks! Some important news and some interesting news... What, thought all we were going to post this time were Stretch Goal posts? Nah, we have interesting info to share,... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #3 Achieved (175%) /ストレッチゴール#3達成(175%)

June 2nd - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Good day, folks! A little over 11 days in and we have Stretch Goal #3! Amazing, thank you all so very much! Such lovely artwork courtesy of Nakai Show, too! Heimdallr certainly... (Read More)

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May 29th - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Good day, everyone! Sorry for the extended delay, but the Flower of the Battlefield list is now ready! Do take a look! A link to the list can also be found on the KS page under the... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #2 Achieved (150%) + Bodyguard Characters Reveal /ストレッチゴール#2達成(150%)+ 近衛兵キャラ公開

May 26th - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Good day, everyone! We're only a few days in, and already, we have passed 150%! Stretch Goal #2, my beloved tentacle friends! Now, this is probably one of the 2 more exciting... (Read More)

Stretch Goal #1 (125%) has been achieved! / ストレッチゴール #1 (125%)達成!

May 23rd - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) A very good day to you, everyone! Stretch goal 1 has been achieved in such a short time! A very heartfelt thank you to every single one of you lovely backers! And just look at that... (Read More)

VBRI Project 100% Funded! / VBRI プロジェクト100%突破!

May 23rd - via:
*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります) Good day, everyone! Simply, amazing! Within 14 hours of launching the Kickstarter Project, we have already blazed past the initial goal! Look at how happy Vidar is in the picture... (Read More)

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