Polycade Sente: The Modular Arcade System

A project in Portland, OR by Tyler

Funding Successful

A high quality arcade console enabling you to relive retro classics and dive into modern titles. Arcade gaming for the modern age.
Backers: 969
Average Pledge Per Backer: $1712

Funded: $1,658,958 of $15,000
Dates: Nov 7th -> Dec 7th (30 days)
Project By: Tyler
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Last Updated: December 7 @ 03:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Full Body Wraps, More Games, Controls For The Future!

December 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Full Body Wraps Our first set of wrap options includes custom designs from 4 artists, two solid earth tones, a Polycade stripe themed option, an African style pattern, and a full body version of the "Dia de los Muertos" pattern we did for Lil Jon a... (Read More)

Wraps/decals & your significant other!

November 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey folks, We've got several full-body wrap designs that we'll release early next week! We also want to know from YOU what designs / artists / etc you'd like to see for full body wraps? Connected to this, we know that there can sometimes be... (Read More)

Listen to Tyler chat about the Sente on 2 different podcasts!

November 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Turkey Eve for all the US folks! Tyler recently appeared on two different podcasts, chatting about the Sente, Polycade origins, and other fun stories. Check them out at the links below! Off The Cuff https://lnkd.in/gABzbhXM Married To The Games... (Read More)

New add-ons + LOI reached with Throwback Games!

November 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everyone! We've got some exciting updates for you! Add-ons & New Stretch Goal 1. Unlocked stretch goals are now live as add-ons. You can modify your pledge to include these new add-ons! Do this for any additional add-ons you want and help us... (Read More)

Kickstarter Quick Pick: Bring Home a Modular Arcade With the Polycade Sente

November 14th - via: geekdad.com
If you’re a fan of classic arcade games, then the name Nolan Bushnell will likely be familiar. He founded a little company you may have heard of called Atari, Inc. back in 1972, as well as the Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza Time Theatre chain in 1977. (Read More)

Stretch Goals Are Live!

November 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Incredible Start! Thanks everyone for your support and excitement for the Polycade Sente! With this level of support, we will be able to do great things with the Sente for years to come. Now, we're just getting started here - and the farther we can... (Read More)

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