Caught in the Rain - A solo mystery TTRPG

A project in Brisbane, AU by Ravensridge Press

Status: Active

A solo TTRPG system to create investigative mysteries from gloomy noir to far-future sci-fi. #Zinequest
Backers: 681
Average Daily Pledges: $3,096 AUD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $64 AUD

Funding: $43,343 AUD of $4,500 AUD
Dates: Feb 24th -> Mar 13th (17 days)
Project By: Ravensridge Press
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$43,343 AUD

current pledge level
Last Updated: 55 minutes ago


of goal

$55,727 AUD

trending toward
Trends are not projections.


of goal

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Latest News

More reviews and the journal!

March 8th - via:
Fellow investigators, Once, again I want to thank you for all your support so far! You're helping us bring Caught in the Rain to Life! ☔ In this update, we're highlighting 2 new videos from reviewers of Caught in the Rain as well as talking a... (Read More)

Quick update and Pocketopia 2025: In the Shadow of Glory

March 6th - via:
Caught in the Rain Quick UpdateCaught in the Rain is tracking really well and is currently sitting with our editor! We hope to have their report by early April to make any final adjustments before sending the files to our printer. Pocketopia 2025: In... (Read More)

Better shipping rates!

March 4th - via:
Fellow investigators, One of our ravens has been busy securing better shipping rates for all of you! If the shipping was holding you back from a physical copy of Caught in the Rain or upgrading to the deluxe pledge, we hope this helps you take the... (Read More)

Caught in the Rain offers the rarest of the rare - a solo mystery TTRPG

March 3rd - via:
In Ravensridge Press’s Caught in the Rain, you’ll be your own GM and still have a mystery to investigate. Moreover, you can set this mystery in a Scottish mansion, the gloomy noir New York streets or a deadly sci-fi Hive city. The campaign is winning Kickstarter, but we’ve only until March 13th to support the project. (Read More)

We all play our solo games a little differently!

February 27th - via:
Hi again, fellow investigators, As we close in on 600% funded, we're seeing more streams and videos of Caught in the Rain. One thing I absolutely love about watching solo playthroughs is seeing how different each of us can approach a system or... (Read More)

We're 500% funded!

February 25th - via:
Hey there, fellow investigators, Firstly, we just wanted to thank you all again for your support with helping us bring Caught in the Rain to life! We're very proud of the game and we can hardly wait to get it in your hands. Secondly, we thought we... (Read More)

Fully funded in 30 minutes!

February 24th - via:
Caught in the Rain is now fully funded! The ravens and I were still working through our long list of jobs this morning updating store pages, the website, sending out emails, and getting the word out there. We’ll check back in later, but thank you... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!