Mushroom Kid's Big Grass Sword

A project in Rochester, NY by Team Broke Kids

Status: Active

A whimsical 2D physics based platformer about a mushroom and a sword that grows.
Backers: 151
Average Daily Pledges: $353
Average Pledge Per Backer: $77

Funding: $11,651 of $15,000
Dates: Apr 30th -> Jun 6th (38 days)
Project By: Team Broke Kids
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Latest News

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May 30th - via:
Deadline Extended!!!As some of you may have noticed, we had the Kickstarter extended! This was mostly due to the amount of support from the community wishing for us to try and extend the deadline after we lost some of our funding. Now in just 1 day,... (Read More)

๐Ÿ‘น YOUR OC IS CANON!!! ๐Ÿ‘น Reopened - New ๐Ÿ’€Design an Enemy!!!๐Ÿ’€ Reward - Hidden Pass Promotion

May 28th - via:
๐Ÿ‘น YOUR OC IS CANON!!! ๐Ÿ‘น Reopened!!! You may have seen this, but the backer for the ๐Ÿ‘น YOUR OC IS CANON!!! ๐Ÿ‘น tier changed their pledge. Meaning our Kickstarter went down around $3000 dollars. This is a really tough blow especially due to... (Read More)

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3 Days Left! Over 75% Funding!!!Just 3 Days left to reach our game's funding goal!!! The support we've received has just been incredible. Thank you everyone for pledging and sharing the game! We only need a bit more of a push until a full release of... (Read More)

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May 25th - via:
100 BACKERS & 70% FUNDED!YOU GUYS RULE!!!!! We are so happy to receive so much support. We have 5 days left to make this dream a reality and I know we will push through and reach the finish line!!! It's incredible to see our community grow,... (Read More)

50% Funded - Reward Offers - Community Spotlight - Blooper Reel

May 21st - via:
50% FUNDED!!!We have 9 days left and have now passed the 50% mark up to 54% funding!!! Thank you all for the amazing support. Many of you have gone above and beyond to get the word out about the game, and we appreciate it greatly! Thank you. Keep... (Read More)

30% Funding - Enemy Concept Showcase - Awesome Peoplel Shout Out!!!!!!

May 16th - via:
30% FUNDING LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO!Hello everyone! We recently reached 30% funding which is awesome to see thank you all so very much!!! All we can say is keep pushing!!! The more funding and backing we get, the more interest the game has, and the closer... (Read More)

Amazing Support in One Week!

May 8th - via:
Hello everyone!ย  Just want to send out an update saying thanks to everyone who has supported the game so far. In just one week we have reached 20% of our funding goal with a lot of that being met in the first couple of days! That's amazing thank you... (Read More)

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