The Clan Canavan

A project in Sligo, Ireland by WaveWalker Films

Funding Successful

WaveWalker Films debut feature film.
Backers: 122
Average Pledge Per Backer: €65

Funded: €7,936 of €7,500
Dates: Jan 13th -> Feb 12th (30 days)
Project By: WaveWalker Films
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Last Updated: February 12 @ 16:06 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

Post-Production, Here We Come

February 7th - via:
It's safe to say that while we're all glad to have had a few days to rest and recover, it's bittersweet to leave Sligo behind and go our separate ways. Something that we talk about often when reminiscing over past projects is that sweet sadness of... (Read More)

We did it!!!

February 2nd - via:
100% funded and we still have 10 days to see how far we can go! Look at all these smiling, delighted faces. We're all so chuffed to have reached our target with time to spare, but we'd love to keep the momentum going... Do you think we can make it... (Read More)

🥳 95 % Funded 🥳

January 31st - via:
🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳We are over the moon! 95% funded and we still have 12 days to go. If we could give all of you a hug, we absolutely would. As it is, there's lots of celebrating going on onsite... Adam O'Keeffe showing our incredible DoP Jass Foley... (Read More)

Week 3, Let's Gooo!

January 28th - via:
Tomorrow kicks off our final week! 😮The last two weeks have flown by and here we are, about to embark on our third and final week of shooting for The Clan Canavan. To tell you the truth, we can hardly believe it!  It's been a joy and a privilege... (Read More)

Meet the Canavan Siblings

January 25th - via:
We're halfway through our shoot so we figured it's high time we introduce you to the brilliant bunch of actors playing the Canavan siblings!On the left we have Jed Murray, playing Jer Canavan, the oldest (and grumpiest) of the Canavan clan; and on... (Read More)

Week 2 - Storm Isha

January 22nd - via:
Week 2 - Storm IshaHello and welcome to Week 2 of shooting The Clan Canavan! After a brilliant (and cold) first week of filming and a nice weekend of rest, recuperation, and rehearsal, we've kicked off week two with.....Storm Isha.  It's giving... (Read More)

Brrr, it's cold out here!

January 17th - via:
❄️ Day 3 - Brrrr! ❄️Well we've officially wrapped on Day 3 of shooting for The Clan Canavan and it has to be said...we are cold. But just as you should never let the truth get in the way of a good story, neither shall we let the temperature... (Read More)

Day 1 - Wrapped!

January 15th - via:
That's a wrap on Day 1 of The Clan Canavan!First of all, we have to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to our campaign so far. We are in awe of your generosity and can't believe that we're nearly halfway to our target in just 48... (Read More)

We're live!

January 13th - via:
Hello from Sligo! Costumes have been gathered, schedules have been carefully crafted, and our cast and crew are arriving onsite which can only mean one's almost time to begin shooting WaveWalker's debut feature film, The Clan Canavan. ... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!